Development of SITM to status of Sanctum Sanctorum of learning, epitome of excellence and social harmony.
Alumni of SITM carving out a niche for themselves in the society as well as in their respective profession and perfectly performing the role of responsible and dynamic citizens.
SITM becoming a vital part of the regional think tank to promote this North Eastern region to become a true and equal or even a major partner in Nation building along with other states of the Country.
To provide high quality education with the aid of modern tools and techniques, up-to-date study materials, under the guidance of experienced, competent and highly motivated faculty.
To strive relentlessly for excellent academic achievements, innovations and promotion of improvisatory skills.
To make a humble yet significant contribution for the development and addition to the regional as well as national wealth of human resources.
To establish a permanent set up for a continual process of research and development, planning and intellectual activity.
To arrange necessary infrastructure along with sensitive support system for the physical fitness and all-round development of students.
To cooperate and coordinate with other international institutions and organizations for the regional as well as national, international progress and prosperity.